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The Help file says

Switches the AutoInput function on and off, which automatically completes 
entries, based on other entries in the same column. The column is scanned up to 
a maximum of 2000 cells or 200 different strings.

If you are getting unwanted input, it is either coming from earlier entries in 
your spreadsheet, or more likely, some virus or malware infestation.

Is it possible you downloaded and installed OpenOffice from some site other 
than provided by

If so, you should immediately uninstall your current version of OpenOffice, run 
a Malware and Virus scan ( is well spoken of) then restart 
Windows and install OpenOffice with a fresh download only as referred from the 
above site.


On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:04:54 -0500 (EST)
"" <> wrote:

> Dear Open Office,
> I thank you for making Open Office available to the public.  That being 
> said, I want to complain that your software is using AI to change what I 
> type in, without my request.
> I was using OpenOffice 4.1.13, OpenOffice Calc, spreadsheet software. 
>  The installed default settings were:
> Tools> Cell Contents > AutoInput:checked-ON.  I could not find the 
> source of the problem on my own even though I searched endlessly through 
> things like "Options".  I had to go to the blogs.  Once there, I found 
> many, many, many other people complaining about the same problem .  
> The bad AI software decides it knows what I want, more than I myself 
> know.  It will not let me correct it's bad changes.  I delete the AI 
> entry and enter what I want, again, and the bad AI repeats it's bad 
> choices again.  The bad AI and I went through this, over and over and 
> over again.  It does not learn.   You allow the bad AI to change what I 
> type in.  But you don't allow me to change what the bad AI typed in. 
> First of all, you should NEVER assume that the AI software knows what I 
> want better than I do, myself.
> Second of all, if you are going to offer various form of "autocorrect 
> software", the default setting should NOT be to autocorrect without 
> warning!  If you want to put a red squiggle under my typing to highlight 
> a possible mistake, feel free!  If you want to suggest a change in a 
> pop-up/pull-down menu, that's fine.  SO LONG AS YOU DO NOT CHANGE WHAT I 
> TYPE WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I know that when I print, the squiggles 
> won't show up.  So I am now able to ignore the squiggles.
> The default setting should be to highlight potential bad entries.  The 
> default should NOT be to create bad entries.  The AI DOES NOT know what 
> I want in my spreadsheet.  The AI must not override my inputs by 
> default.
> I know that your competitor, "_X___", made this same bad default in 
> their software.  Just because a competitor makes a bad change to it's 
> software, does not mean that you, OpenOffice, should repeat that bad 
> decision and give AI free reign to adulterate your users' work.  You are 
> smarter than that.  That is why I chose you, even though I have a trial 
> version of _X__ installed on my computer.  I preferred you, before you 
> started becoming more like them.
> At work, my we have "X" installed.  My boss was entering part numbers in 
> a spreadsheet of parts that needed to be ordered.  The bad AI in the X 
> software, changed her entry to a different part number that she had 
> previously typed in.  The wrong part was ordered.  A week later we 
> received the wrong part.  Incoming Inspection had to go back to the boss 
> and point out her mistake.  This is never pleasant for anyone concerned. 
> An internal Non-Conformance-Report (NCR) had to be written up.  Too many 
> NCR's on our record make us look like a bad company.  Too many NCR's can 
> prevent our company from getting ISO Certification.  The part had to be 
> returned and exchanged for the correct part.  The project was delayed. 
>  I personally had to spend 4 man-hours generating corrective action 
> paperwork because of the bad change that X's AI software made.  Many 
> other employees also wasted their time, inspecting the wrong parts and 
> trying to assemble them where they do not belong.  All this, because X 
> company was so in love with itself, that it thought it's AI knew what my 
> boss wanted, better than my boss knew what she wanted.
> I had already changed the default settings on my computer, to shut off 
> the "autocorrect" in my spreadsheets.  I wrote up the path to the 
> settings and gave it to her.   My boss had to then call in the IT to 
> change the default settings on everyone's computers, so that AI 
> generated errors like this would not happen again.
> Please stop repeating the mistakes that X company made.  You are smarter 
> than X company.  Do better.
> Let me give you another example.  On my cellphone, I was texting my 
> daughter.  I made an innocent type-o of one alphanumeric letter. My 
> daughter would have clearly figured out the intended word, had AI left 
> it alone.  But AI software changed not only the word, AI also changed 
> the grammar around the word, to make it sound like a phrase with a dirty 
> innuendo.  Because AI changed the grammar to match the new word, AI made 
> it "LOOK LIKE" I INTENDED to write that!  AI's auto-corrections made me 
> look like a bad person and a bad mother.  This has got to stop.
> In Conclusion: In OpenOffice 4.1.13, OpenOffice Calc, the default 
> settings should be Tools> Cell Contents >AutoInput:OFF.
> The same should apply to all your software, like OpenOffice Writer.
> Thank you for hearing me out.
> Sincerely Yours, 
> Grateful User.

Rory O'Farrell <>

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