On Saturday, February 05, 2005 1:34 PM "Peter Kupfer" wrote:
> You may, just as a test, want to download 1.1.4 and see if that QS 
> causes your system to hang. Also try to load your computer without the 
> QS loaded so you can isolate the issue.
> Of course, if it is fixed in 1.9.74, then it isn't an issue. :)

Peter. thank you and all the others who aswered
my inquiry. 

I used 1.1.4 for a while before I removed it 
prior to installing 1.9.69. 1.1.4 worked well, 
except that the differences between Impress 
and MS Office PPT were a bit annoying. 

Hanging on loading of "quick start" doesn't 
happen when the "quick start" isn't loaded at 
boot, and it didn't happen with 1.1.4. 

There is just one thing besides the "quick start" 
problem that annoys me about 1.9.69.  I cannot 
click "quick start" to start one of the OO.org 
applications. This issue apparently has been filed 
andwe are told it isn't a bug. It is a "feature".

According to the  Apple II Technical Manual's 
glossary, "A 'feature' is a bug described by the 
marketing department." I note that the marketroids 
removed that "slur" from the Apple IIe TM.

With XP, I can, however, right click on any place 
and I get a menu which I can click to create any 
of the application. One more click isn't much.

I understand that there is a similar thing with Linux
(at least on KDE or or is it Gnome? ) Linux is 
coming soon to a desktop near me.

I will search for this bug in the bug list, and if not
found, I will file the bug.

Monday I will go to the University (100 MB/sec 
connection) to fetch the install file for 1.9.74 and 
install that to see what happens.

Again many thanks.

David Teague,
Advocating Free Software and
Double Bass tuned in fifths
For information on Red  Mitchell, see http://home.teleport.com/~mimuma/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Subject: Re: [users] OOo 1.9.69 Quick Start hangs computer on boot

> David Teague wrote:
> > The problem is not mentioned in 1.9.74
> > release notes:
> > http://development.openoffice.org/releases/1.9.m74_snapshot.html
> > 
> > I did find a buglist, available through
> > http://qa.openoffice.org/issue_handling/project_issues.html
> > but I did not find my problem. I suspect a bit
> > more investigation there will answer my "where"
> > and "how" to post a bug.
>  From here, you should try to search for the issue. If you can't find, 
> then you should file an issue. You should try a few different search 
> strings in both the summary and the description boxes. Bugs are not 
> always easy to find.
> Again, if you can't find, just file one, if it is a dup, it will be 
> labeled as such.
> > I wanted to know whether there is a need to
> > report my problem, and to whom and how it
> > should be reported or if the  problem is well
> > known, being addressed by the developers,
> > and how to find out. The hanging from the
> > Quick Start isn't mentioned in the FAQ.
> Always a need to file bugs. That is why the 1.9.x's are out. The more we 
> find now, the less there will be one the beta comes out.
> To file a big:
> Borrowed from G. Roderick Singleton:
> The best way to have problems such as this evaluated is to file an
> issue. If you haven't already registered, do the following:
> Go to <www.openoffice.org> click the Register link at the top right of
> of the page. Fill in your information and reply to the confirmation
> email that will be sent to the address you provided. Once you have
> confirmed, go to <www.openoffice.org> again and click on the "Bugs &
> Issues" link in the General links box.
> Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is important that you file
> the issue to ensure reproducibility with your examples.
> > In conclusion, I intend to contribute to the
> > Author's project as, or as soon as, I am able. I
> > will not be able to contribute anything to the
> > projects unless I am using the latest OO.o.
> That is great, I contribute there also. We need a lot of help right now 
> as we approach the release of 2.0. You can head over to 
> <www.oooauthors.org> to find out how to help.
> > Hence I will follow your first alternative, which
> > is to download and install the latest OO.o
> > version. I will have to tolerate the vexations from
> > instability.
> You may, just as a test, want to download 1.1.4 and see if that QS 
> causes your system to hang. Also try to load your computer without the 
> QS loaded so you can isolate the issue.
> Of course, if it is fixed in 1.9.74, then it isn't an issue. :)
> HTH,
> -- 
> Peter Kupfer
> OOo user since 'OO4
> http://peschtra.tripod.com/open_office/ooo_front.htm
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