

Am I understanding your complaint correctly - that you need to create an account on the site, and login under that account name, before filing a bug? It seems fair enough to me - maybe I'm missing something though?

- Naomi

PS. Most of the people on this Users list are NOT programmers - they're simply users of the software.

Also, I was going to file a bug, but somebody seems to have gotten
plumb fscking paranoid, and although I registered this beta copy I
think, I didn't note if any traffic went out on the routers leds at
the time), that DIDN'T get me a username/password that I could log
into, required before I could file a bug report.  Thats bullshit,
fresh, warm and usually found behind the male of the bovine species.

Seriously speaking to Sun, if you want bug reports, let us file the
$onofabitch without all this username/password bull$hit.  My guess
is that 99% of the folks who would file bug reports are dissed at
that screen and give it up.

For a 'so-called' open source project (some call it open sores),
where we do the beta testing for the next StarOffice, you are
seriously taking aim very carefully so as not to miss when you
shoot yourself in the foot.  I hope it feels good.

Am I pi$$ed? Yes, because I can see the mechanism by which you
prevent bug reports from being filed, so they never get fixed if
not filed, right?  Less work for the coders you are paying by the
hour is the rational no doubt.  And its 350% intentional, and thats
what really fries me.  Rules written by the lawyers to justify
their salary. They should be in the unemployment line.

Sun still does not 'get' the open source model.  Look at the license
for Solaris now.  I'm curious, and I'd really like to see how it
runs here, but sorry, no sale after reading that license.  I wonder
if they ever will 'get it'?

What do you want to bet that this message never makes the list?
Nothing, cause it won't pass as a moderated list. BUT I damned sure
hope it makes it to the second floor where somebody who gives a red
cent might care.

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