I too find the loading of the OO very slow. I am using beta 2 version. Is there a way to make it load faster?

Anil Sarwal

CogyFarm wrote:

OO2.0bc?  I JUST dl'd 1.9.79 3 days ago.  is there a patch?

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Fri, 2005-03-18 at 02:17 -0800, Eric Larson wrote:

I've been using Open Office and overall found it satisfactory (disregarding the time it takes to load.) However, I recently had need to open a .doc file that had Japanese language characters in the text. All I got were those squares that are displayed when the font is not supported. Is there an patch that will allow me to see the Kanji characters that are part of the document. I've been advocating the use of Open Office, but this was a major blow to my advocacy of the product.

If this is OOo1.1.x also enable asian languages then try again. If this
is OOo2.0bc, then install the Japanese language pack and switch
languages. In both cases, ensure that you have installed the fonts

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