Am Mittwoch, 23. März 2005 18:56 schrieb Asrail:
> Oh  NO, this discussion again...

I apologize and will not post to the list any more. I am sorry, I was trying 
to suggest a possible solution as a reply to some complaints, but it is not 
really my problem.

> 1. It is. Do you know gmane? 
> 2. He gets it, try sending a message throw a unsubscribed mail to the list.

Well, then everything is fine, isn't it? I just had the impression from 
previous posts that users do not find the archive and that people feel the 
need to repost (and others complain then), etc., and I thought there might be 
ways to improve the situation. Obviously there isn't due to technical 
limitations (which I did not know).

Sorry again

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