On Saturday 02 April 2005 04:25, Roy O'Donnell wrote:
>Without my knowing consent, OO 2.0 installed itself on
>my computer, overriding OO 1.whatever-I-had. My
>computer started behaving very, very badly. After
>repeated, failed attempts to restore my XP SP2 machine
>to a workable, earlier state, I finally gave up and
>uninstalled OO 2.0 then downloaded and installed OO
>1.4.1. Now NONE of my documents are "visible". When I
>attempt to open a document all I get is a blank page.
>The file listing indicates it's full o' bytes but
>nothing is displayed.

2.0 is still beta, and you should never have allowed it to be 
installed in the same directory tree as the previous version.

>I find it hard to believe that OpenOrg would inflict
>upon me, without my explicit consent, a beta version
>of software that can do so much damage. I am a newbie
>to open source, have been using using Firefox and OO
>only a short time and have been singing their praises
>to anyone who'll listen but this OpenOffice nightmare
>leaves me stunned. This is not the friendly kind of
>foxy penguin love fest community experience I
>expected. PLEASE help me get my files back. And please
>don't install anything without my permission.

Unforch, I'm pretty sure that during the install, it DID show you the 
path where it was going to be installed, at which point it could have 
been changed to protect your current install.

Or is the winderz installer actually that dumb?

As for getting your files back, did you open, and then resave any 
files while playing with 2.0?  Those may be gone, but the rest should 
be usable I'd think, or you should be getting an error message of 
some sort.  Can you post those please?

>Thank you to anyone who can help.

Unforch, I'm not enough of an OOo guru yet, and I've never run windows 
on any machine I had personal control of, so I'm not going to be any 
help other than my rather soapbox like rant above, my apologies.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.34% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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