Brian wrote:

Roy O'Donnell wrote:

Without my knowing consent, OO 2.0 installed itself on
my computer, overriding OO 1.whatever-I-had. My
computer started behaving very, very badly. After
repeated, failed attempts to restore my XP SP2 machine
to a workable, earlier state, I finally gave up and
uninstalled OO 2.0 then downloaded and installed OO
1.4.1. Now NONE of my documents are "visible". When I
attempt to open a document all I get is a blank page.
The file listing indicates it's full o' bytes but
nothing is displayed.

This sounds more like a Windows SP2 problem.
OO does NOT automatically update yopur machine but Microsoft DOES (if you leave automatic updates on, as it is by default).
Microsoft warns that XP SP2 can cause your system to become unbootable, and I can personally attest to clients who have had severe problems with it.
I recommend you take your PC to a computer serviceman to have the (Microsoft) problem corrected.


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I suppose;
The very first thing to do is to backup those files to a CDRW or whatever. The next thing to do is to rollback the rollback (unroll). Then install OO2B and check again. If you fail again, I think you should find all the files and registry entries that are somewhat related to OOx (you may have to delete the file associations of OOx too). Then try installing OOx (whichever you choose) and checking those files again...
Btw, I am new to this mailing list, so this is also a 'Hi!' from me.

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