Peter Kupfer wrote in response to my question:

> > What does a "+1" response mean? From the context 
> > of other messages, a "+1" response seems to indicate
> > approval. 
> > 
> > Is there a list of such "list-isms" that I should know?
> > If so please post a link to its location.
> Yes, it means like ditto, or I agree, or something like that.

[I believe Peter suggested that we trim messages ... 
particularly when only giving assent, not adding 
significantly to the thread]

> The only other list-ism I really learned here was that bottom posts are 
> preferred so that people can read in chronological order. 

I am of two minds on that one. In particular Outlook 
Express makes it a harder to bottom post. I do try to 
quote appropriate lines and respond in chronological 
order, but I am not consistent.

> Other than 
> that the lists follows must netiquette guidelines. In your case, not to 
> pick on you or anything, if I were to tell you other listsism, I would 
> say that you sig could be a little shorter.

Many thanks. My .sig is about twice your suggested 
limit, and I will trim it a bit.

I appreciate you suggestions on how to post without 
being annoying.


David Teague, 
Advocating Free Software and
Double Bass tuned in fifths 

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