And for the problem about Tommy's little sister splitting in two, you can do a shift-enter after "Tommy's little" (as an example). That will act like a space, but wrap to the next line, therefore, it will not add a number.
Rich wrote:
1. press ctrl+z immediately after enter;
2. press enter second time;
3. use buttons in numbering toolbar (insert unnumbered entry and
other); 4. in tools->autocorrect uncheck "apply numbering..." at 'options'
tab :)
James E. Lang wrote:
I use version 1.1.3 of OOo to create work sheets for an elementary
school teacher. These work sheets contain, among other things,
spelling lists, lists of "challenge" words, and "sentence
dictations." The spelling lists and lists of "challenge" words are
formatted similar to this: 1. teacher      3. sister
   2. tree          4. wait

When I press <enter> at the end of the first line I get an automatic
generation of the 2. with no way to change its attributes (e.g.
bold). This is bad enough but it gets worse. In the sentence
dictation section I need to enter something like this:

   1. The teacher spoke to Tommy's little
      sister about having to wait for him.
   2. Apples grow on trees in Oregon.

What I get is this:

   1. The teacher spoke to Tommy's little
   2. sister about having to wait for him.
   3. Apples grow on trees in Oregon.

I have not been able to figure out how to turn off this behavior. I
fumble around with the worksheet and eventually I get something
halfway usable but it is a pain and I have not been able to
reproduce the good behavior consistently.

This is a test of the Really Sucky Email Client system. Again, this is
only a test. (Outlook is the only client that will sync with my Palm...)

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