On Tuesday 19 April 2005 02:53 am, Alex Zachopoulos wrote:
> I am using X11 on Panther (MacOS X 10.3.8) and OOo 1.1.1 (I know,
> it's not the latest one available...)
> The problem I have is caused when, after I create a new Write
> document, on my template which has a full page graphic for a
> background, and I also insert my scanned signature, I then go on to
> file my new document in its proper directory, only to discover that,
> when I re-open it, the graphics (background image as well as inserted
> signature) are not read, and all I see is the signature placeholder
> with no graphics whatsoever. Nothing at all shows instead of the
> first page background image.
> Is there a way to avoid this? Can I instruct OOo to re-read the
> graphics from their source files? I am little confused, because I see
> that the filename and path have been preserved within the signature
> placeholder. All that's changed is the location of the Write document
> itself, so why can it not go to the path it knows already and read
> the signature?
> Thanks, people.
     There are two possibilities. First, the Write document is only 
looking within the folder to which you moved it.
     Secondly, the graphics have been turned off. (On my system, the 
Graphics On/Off icon is in the Main toolbar on the left side of the 
window. It is next to the bottom of that toolbar. Click on this icon to 
see if this is the case. If so, the graphics should re-appear. If not, 
there is a problem with the links you created.
     A better way would be to create the document without the links. 
When inserting a graphic, leave the "Link" box unchecked. The graphic 
then becomes a part of the Writer document. This is more likely the 
problem. You should probably do this for your template first.


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