On Monday 18 April 2005 09:18 am, Orjan Henningson wrote:
> After I had downloaded OpenOffice, I noted that some of my
> WordPerfect files had been converted to OpenOffice files with no
> options to convert it back to WP without changing the format.  When I
> think of the ones developing this program, the word "idiots" come to
> my mind, but I will not use it, since it is not nice to do so. 
> Anyway, I look forward to the day when I can use OpenOffice, that is;
> when it is international (proper English) and not American only.
> O. Henningson, Canada

     The answer to your problem is found on page 27 of the User's Guide. 
It comes as part of the download as SETUP_GUIDE.pdf. Do a search on 
your hard drive(s) for this file. The section you want on page 27 is 
"Assigning File Types". 
     I have to admit that this is the first time someone mentioned 
OpenOffice.org changing the icons for WP files. Did you perhaps save 
some of them using MS Office formats? (*.doc, *.ppt, *.xls, etc.)
     Perhaps you are having more problems than you anticipated because 
you have not taken the time to learn how it works. While the emphasis 
in the English version may seem to be based on American "whims", it is 
used in many different English speaking countries around the world. It 
is used by people in many different languages in their own languages. 
This includes "character" languages such as Chinese and Japanese.
     I understand how frustrating learning a new program can be. That 
does not always mean that the program is at fault. I have worked with 
one for several days before I discovered I had made a very serious 
error. Once I corrected my error, the program ran as advertized. But I 
was very unhappy until I found my error.


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