John King wrote:

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 12:27:32 -0400, Steve Kopischke wrote:

I have been sent an xls file that throws up errors when opened in both
ooo1.1.4 and 2beta, on both windows and linux.

It works perfectly when used on MSOffice 2000.

The file uses the INDIRECT function extensively, and I suspect that is
where the problem lies, but I do not know enough about spreadsheets to be
able to judge properly whether it suffers from the same problems as are
listed in Issues under the use of INDIRECT, particularly as it does not
seem to use named ranges, which seem to cause problems with ooo at the
moment when importing xls files.

I have placed the file on:

for any calc experts out there who could check if the reasons it will not
work in ooo have already been listed in Issues, or whether it is a new

There are a lot of hidden rows/columns and some hidden sheets.  Not to
stop prying eyes, but simply because most of the users would only be
confused by extraneous material.

The errors arise on the 'Programme' sheet - error:508

If simply opening the workbook is supposed to cause error:508 to appear, I
am afraid I can't help you. I experienced no such error opening the
workbook. Is there an action I can take to force the error? I'm running
1.9.79 on Windows XP Pro SP2.


Well, I'm flummoxed. I've just opened the file again and I can't get error:508 either. However, I'm pretty sure it used to appear in the cells in columns AF-AI on the 'Programme' sheet. Now those columns contain '#N/A' in 2beta (1.9.95) (and '#NAME?' in 1.1.4), presumably for the reasons that Anthony Chilco has explained in another post. Is that what you see too? (In Excel those cells contain the talks details)


Yes, I see the "#N/A" and "#NAME" as expected with the different formula formatting.


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