If your software says it requires "Word 2000 or greater", it is made to run only with MS Word, and you have only the choice
1. not to use the software
2. to purchase Word in a recent version
That is bad, but I do not think there is another solution.
Marc H.


HELP!!!!  :)

My name is Mike.  Please read this and see if ANYONE is able to help me!  I may 
have just stumbled upon something that OOo is not compatible to do.  I hope 
not, but I am unable to figure this out!

I have OOo 1.1.4 and LOVE it...... except for this dilemma.  My OS is XP Home 
Edition on a 450mHz, 384 RAM, 20Gig HD system.  I also have Word 97 installed 
(which isn't helping with the below issue either!)  Here goes....

I have to write a dissertation for my Doctorate degree. I have found a couple good programs that format my dissertation (thesis) automatically, instead of me having to re-learn a certain writing styles like Turabian, MLA or APA. However, these programs say that they require that the PC system has: MS Word 2000 or greater, and that macros have to be turned on. OK... so what I have done is downloaded 2 separate programs to try them out to see which one I would rather purchase to write my paper. Well... as it turns out... it seems that OOo is not letting these programs work in conjunction with them, because all I get is a bunch of gobbly-gook on the pages in the text area that should have the format of MLA or Turabian laid out for me. Make sense? So that is why I am asking this. Is it about macros? Is it that OOo does not support this? What?
And if any of you knew if OOo is TRULY compatible with other programs that require MS Word 2000 or newer, such as what I've discussed?

Let me know if all of that makes sense, and if you have any suggestions ASAP.

Thanks again!

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