goto start->Run type %temp% (enter) and the folder should come up but if you
are using IE goto tools->Internet Options and click Files.  

--- Elsasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you sure the download was finished ? If not, maybe the partial temp 
> file was destroyed automatically.
> I hope next time you will be more successful.
> Marc H.
> Ed Gnifkowski a écrit :
> >Last week I downloaded openoffice to what the screen said was a temporary
> file.
> >after the 7 plus hour down load I shut off the computer. (late at night)
> >When I started up this morning, I can not find the temp folder.
> >I tried openoffice in both the title and text search boxes, with no results.
> >
> >Any help you can give would be appreciated.
> >
> >ed
> >

Rob Winchester
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