
I'm a budding writer myself and I find your template suggestion intriguing. When (if ever!) I have something presentable I want to be able to shop essentially the same manuscript to potential buyers in Canada, the US and the UK. How would the templates help in this scenario? If I were to cut and paste text from a Canadian English document to a US or UK language template, wouldn't the paste action include the character formatting and wouldn't this override the template default?


G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Thu, 2005-05-12 at 18:16 +0000, David Garson wrote:

It is very urgent and your help would be very much appreciated!

I am a travel writer, writing my articles in English (GreatBritain). However, some of my 
articles have to be "americanised" and however much I try to change the 
language under Extra-Options-Languages etc. it always slips back to Great Britain English.

Any idea, what to do?


I would like to suggest that you create templates for the languages in
which you work. Set the language for each including setting the language
via Format > Character and save as template, say mydoc_us_en. For more
information on this, please see
http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/OOo1.x.x/user_guide.pdf . I
think the section is near page 30.

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