On Thursday 19 May 2005 06:00, Reg wrote:
>My name is Reg and have recently downloaded OOo. I wish to ask if
> some work could be done to make it fully compatible with "Dragon
> Naturally Speaking 8". At present I can only use "Global Commands"
> which does not support all functions and being "Digitally
> Challenged" (As they say these days. I Laugh.) using a keyboard is
> awkward for me.
>This is not a complaint, just a thought for your programmers OK.

This 'Dragon Naturally Speaking 8' is I take it, a windows program?  
I've seen it on the shelves at Staples et all, but as its sold as a 
windows product, I'm afraid I haven't given the box more than a 
cursory glance & that was probably a year ago.  Exclusively linux 

Unforch, much of what OOo does, is mouse pointer driven, and this is a 
(apparently) a handicap for you.  Those options and commands that do 
have keyboard shortcuts, can often be found if the mouse is placed 
over the command and a popup will display it if there is one, but the 
keyboard shortcut is not defined for probably 75% or more of what OOo 
can do.

Its all too often that those of us with 10 good fingers, albeit mine 
are getting stiff, arthritic & shakey as the decades (7 now) pile up, 
tend to skip over those things that would make life easier for those 
less well equipt digitally but do have a well functioning brain.  

We tend to feel sorry for ourselves when the shoes aren't new, until 
we see the person with no feet.

I do not know if something that would simplify things for you is on 
the developers plate for 2.0, but it would be nice if someone in the 
know could comment.

Probably wishfull thinking, but can you describe the sorts of input 
devices you can use?, or would like to see built?

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
99.34% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly
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