On 11/09/2008 20:23, Ely Schoenfeld wrote:
Hello all.

I'm having trouble finding some formulas in calc because I learned them in
English, but I've now installed OO in Spanish. I need to find an easy way to
see how they are translated.

It would really be great if OpenOffice Calc had a way to "Use formula in
English" or a way to "Translate Formula name" but there isn't.

I've already found this link:


Where you can have an online view of the .po file 10 rows at a time, but
it's difficult for me to have a fast look that way. Even with it's "search"

Since this morning I'm looking for the sc/source/core/src.po file in spanish
but I can't find it. I even downloaded a 75MB file that, at the end, didn't
have it. (Not even at es.openoffice.org, maybe I skipped the link to it)

Does anybody knows where could I download it?  (preferably for versino 2.4.1
and later for version 3)

Thank you all.

It's a bit of work but:
1. Change the URL you cited from http://www.sunvirtuallab.com:32300/es/openoffice_org/sc/source/core/src.po?translate=1&view=1 to http://www.sunvirtuallab.com:32300/es/openoffice_org/sc/source/core/src.po?view=287 the 287 is because there are 287 entries in the table. The result is a single page with all 287 entries.
2. Copy/paste the result into a text editor.
3. Edit the result, probably using Regular Expressions, to get rid of the chaff and to put the Spanish translation next to the English original, with a comma between them. This is quite straightforward as the table is presented in a consistent format.
4. Save the result as a .csv file.
5. Load the result into Calc and you have a searchable spreadsheet of two columns. Or, the low tech solution, just print it and keep it on your desk ;-)

I tried it myself (I'd have sent you a link to the result) but the special accented Spanish characters got changed to garbage on my English language system. I don't think this will happen to you because I assume you have Spanish locale settings.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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