On 10/01/2008 12:24 PM, Harold Fuchs wrote:

> You'll also need to specify the *exact* language you are talking about. 
> For example, US and British English are *not* the same when it comes to 
> grammar. One instance:  "The President said Monday that ..." is OK in 
> the US (at least it seems to be from reading newspapers like The 
> Washington Post and The New York Times) and illiterate garbage in the 
> UK. We understand it but any properly educated teacher would mark it 
> down. We say "On Monday the President said" so (a) the word order is 
> different but also, and *much* more importantly, (b) we say "... *on* 
> Monday ...".


He is in hospital vs he is in the hospital. Thank goodness is isn't in
car... :-)

I admit that I almost flunked English 101 in college when the professor
started the class with "and the gastly, ghostly sounds came spewing
forth from the windows".

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