The American newspapers are far from paragons of grammatical correctness.

It should read as a worst case, "The President said, on Monday, "Yadda yadda".

Better would have been, "On Monday, the President said, "Yadda yadda".

Newspapers in the US of A quite often put the subject, the President, at the very beginning of the sentence as they believe that the readers won't read far enough into the sentence to
get to the subject if it is not at the very beginning.

On Oct 1, 2008, at 12:24, Harold Fuchs wrote:

You'll also need to specify the *exact* language you are talking about. For example, US and British English are *not* the same when it comes to grammar. One instance: "The President said Monday that ..." is OK in the US (at least it seems to be from reading newspapers like The Washington Post and The New York Times) and illiterate garbage in the UK. We understand it but any properly educated teacher would mark it down. We say "On Monday the President said" so (a) the word order is different but also, and *much* more importantly, (b) we say "... *on* Monday ...".

Ross Bernheim

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