Rogier van Vlissingen wrote:
On Fri, 03 Oct 2008 07:21:03 -0400, James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

Having used Open Office since the beginning, 2.4.1 has been a disaster, and I've reported the bugs I've experienced. My invariable experience has been that once files get larger (a few pages), at some point the file save routine freezes up, and no amount of installing and reinstalling has solved the problem.

It has driven me back to MS Word, and I'm none too happy about it.

I and many, many others have used OpenOffice for years, without those problems. I suspect their may be other issues with your computer that are causing the problems, as is often the case on computers running Windows. Some times, running a utility, such as cclean, to remove all the crap from your registry and hard drive can do wonders. You can be certain that if OpenOffice had a problem saving files of more than a few pages, many others would be complaining about it.

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