
I Have been using Windows 3.1 for app. 15 years without Internet access and been very happy with it.
Well done, and welcome to 2005. By-the-way under 3.1 how do I see what processor and ram an old laptop I'm playing with has?

My ignorance of the new technology is amazing - even 18 year old high school kids are bailing me out of my infinite number of computer mistakes.
Ah, but doesn't all the cool stuff on the internet make it worthwhile. Take a look at http://en.wikipedia.org for example. Type something your interested in in and see what comes up.

I would like to download OpenOffice to a CD and then use that CD in the computer when I need to write letters, makes a spreadsheet, database, etc. The reason being that I am terrified of paralyzing the computer hard drive someway when I make my usual mistakes. Is this possible? Can I download the OpenOffice program to a CD?

It sounds like you want what's called a 'live cd' of OpenOffice. So that you can run it from the cd without installing it. Is that right? As far as I know that is only possible if the cd also has an operating system, in which case you could download something like knoppix, burn that cd image to cd (you might want to refer to 'burning cd images in windows xp' somewhere). Then just put it in and restart the computer, it will then start from the cd, which runs Linux in your ram (doesn't install anything), and it uses the OpenOffice.org package.

But all that is a hassle. If you feel unsure, just ask someone to help you install it. It's not that hard really.


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