On Wed, 8 Oct 2008 00:01:23 -0400
"Shawn Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> The problem becomes distribution. It's not profitable to mail a CD for .25
> cents and you are not accounting for the printing costs.

I'm not asking for one CD for 25 cents. 

I failed to explain something. I will personally pay 50 cents per CD
for someome to ship me 100 of them with appropriate OOo artwork. If
that is too little, let me know how much it would cost and I may agree
to a higher price. The funds are my own funds, not the funds of OOo.

I look at it this way. I cannot write code, so I cannot contribute to
OOo that way. I can contribute a small amount of support by
participating here, but that is not much. On the other hand, I have
access to thousands of university students and can promote OOo to them.
But I need help. I need materials. I need CDs with OOo that look
professional. But to do the job right I need hundreds of them. I will
pay for them myself out of my own funds, but it shouldn't cost more
than 50 cents or so for each CD.

Someone at OOo needs to set this up. If OOo "the organization" would
set this up the cost per CD would be minimal.

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