John Jason Jordan wrote:
> I could download appropriate artwork (modify the 2.0 artwork or wait
> for the 3.0 artwork), but I do not have a printer than can print on
> CDs. Even if I did, I would like to be able to distribute hundreds of
> such CDs. My university has 27,000 students and actively supports OOo.
> OOo is installed on all university computers in all student computer
> labs. The help desks would be happy to put up a cardboard display with
> OOo if only I had CDs to put in the display. I can buy CDs on eBay and
> elsewhere, but the vendors think their CDs are worth $5 and up. That is
> prohibitive for me. A blank CD costs 25 cents US or so, so I figure 50
> cents apiece is a fair price. I wish CDs at such a price were available
> on the OOo website. In quantity OOo could produce the CDs and sell them
> at a fair profit at that price.

Does your university have the means of duplicating & printing CDs? 
Lot's of organizations do these days.  What about commercial duplicators?

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