On 10/09/2008 01:17 PM, Barbara Duprey wrote:
> mike scott wrote:
>> On 9 Oct 2008 at 8:54, Barbara Duprey wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> How about the unsubscribed user case -- did you see any problem there?
>> I don't understand - if there's no subscription at all, the issue 
>> does not arise.
> This is the case where there is a subscription, but it belongs to a 
> different account that is redirecting traffic (probably maliciously), as 
> in Chuck Evans' case. To the list, the user who is requesting to *be* 
> unsubscribed *is* unsubscribed. It's probably a bit clearer in the 
> original post here. This particular instance may or may not be valid (I 
> think it is), but the situation is clearly possible. And that's why I'd 
> like to be able to advise them of a possible course of action for them 
> to take.

In the case of Chuck (and others), they already have _proper_ options to
take via their ISP and email account providers. Neither 'Chuck' nor
anyone else has any business attempting to unsubscribe someone from this
list regardless of the situation. *Only* the subscriber should be able
to unsubscribe & if there is obvious abuse then the list moderator/owner
should step in as what happened when Chuck & Kaye's emails spammed the list.

1. Chuck simply could/should have taken action to block the emails from
reaching him using the tools that his ISP and email provider already
provide. That would have taken him about 3 minutes. Chuck was also told
how to go about this by myself and others.

2. Chuck should then have taken up the complaint with the forwarding
email service (Google) and his ISP to have the forwarded emails stopped.

3. Chuck had _no/zero/nada/none_ business posting complaints here to
request that the gmail email address be unsubscribed, and then contining
to  spam this list with his invalid unsubscribe nonsense.

Chuck was *never* subscribed to this list & his actions against this
list are a mirror of abuse that someone caused when they "allegedly"
subscribed to the list and then forwarded to his sbcglobal.net account.
[I say "allegedly" as no user on this list has any proof whatsoever that
the gmail account Chuck posted ever sent the list messages to Chuck
(although I do admit that he was certainly receiving them as he
responded to them as an unsubscribed user); i.e., he never posted
headers etc., of the list messages.]

The Chuck incident is unfortunate. But all of this talk about how to
unsubscribe someone by means other than the methods already in place
are, IMO both unecessary, and potentially malicious (and possibly
illegal if some posts are correct).

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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