> "Twayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <users@openoffice.org>
>> colostore has been seen inthe parses of several spams here; it's
>> obviously black hat from this end.  I haven't seen them pushing OOo
>> in my personal spam but that doesn't mean anything other than I'm
>> not on that list. Haven't heard from them in awhile; had hoped
>> they'd been nuked - looks like not.
>> Twayne
> Well when I got that spam I called the company that hosts their web
> site.
> I basically told them that if they continue to allow this company to
> use their service, they are also liable for the spamming.  That is
> how the spamming laws read to me.  So I sent them the email and a
> copy to a company's default lawyer's email "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> If every time someone who gets a spam, where the site in hosted in
> the US, calles the hosting company and complains, there will be a lot
> less spam. It will not stop hyjacked email accounts, but it will give
> less places for these
> companies to have their sites.  Then we need to get the governments of
> Asian countries to make those same anti-spam laws.
> Let us take back the internet

The most effective way to complain about spam is never to the spammer. 
By going to the spammer:
--  You prove you read spams and thus increase the value of your address 
in the spam lists being sold around the world,
--  Usually improve your chances of getting more spam should the spammer 
be using software to compare incoming to spam runs to see who might be 
reading it,
--  And you should realize that your mail TO the spammer was very 
probably not read but simply dropped on the floor, IF that account even 
exists anymore when it gets there.  Spamers are stupid, but they're not 
unintelligent, or at least get software & instructions from 

You need to complain to their upstream, THEIR upstream, and keep going 
sometimes and it MIGHT, never will, do some good.  As black hat as that 
place appears, I suspect they may even own their own servers and have 
cohorts all over overseas; hard to kill them off.

But I love your attitude:  Yes, let's take back the net.  Learn how to 
parse/report emails.  Easy to do & lots of tools around to do it with. 
The ONLY good thing can be done for/to a spammer is to kill his 
accounts, making him go to other accounts, etc, until s/h/it runs out of 
money & resources.  Right now there is no other way.  Also beware, some 
of them are literally criminals who would love to meet you in a dark 
alley.  Never expose your belly to them.



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