On or about 10/18/2008 8:50 PM, jonathon typed the following:
> On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 01:23, Ed Jones  wrote:
>> No, just a way to read two files that a friend sent to me.  Nothing 
>> important.
> If you are using Windows, and don't mind a Geek's tool, try Text2DAO.
> http://www.houseofmyrrh.com/text2dao.htm
> Install the comprehensive setup version first.( Comprehensive Setup
> Install File .Zipped !BIG! 5,226Kb May 31, 2005 is the description.)
> It will enable you to export the data to CSV format.
> You'll have to export the data one table at a time.
> Alternatively, TheWORDpad Editor, available from
> http://www.esnips.com/doc/205f7de6-6840-4604-a3a0-58b372d86a0d/TheWORDpad-V.2
>  will let you read text fields in the database.   This is slightly
> easier to install that Text2DAO.
> If you use Macintosh, or *Nix, you're more or less out of luck, unless
> you can program. If that is the case, then MDBTools is your friend.
>> So, I guess my question would still stand as to if OO will go full bore as a 
>> replacement for major M$ office type programs?
> As a database, the only thing that can be said in favour of Access, is
> that Microsoft created it, and shipped it with MSO.   (OTOH, Base
> isn't much better.)
> Since the OOo Base component is essentially, a front end client, for a
> plethora of different database engines, it actually is more suitable
> for serious database base work, than MSO is.
> xan
> jonathon

I received a private e-mail informing how it can be done by 'connecting'
to the file.  For my purposes which is only seeing and perhaps printing
the data base this works fine.

Sorry for the late response but I've been out of town.


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