John & Sheila Rogers wrote:
How is everyone?  I seem to be having some problem with openoffice writer with 
opening files.  I converted document files from Microsoft word 2007 and 
Microsoft works word.  when I go to open them I get a dialog window that wants 
me to select a filter to open the document.  When I select one like openoffice 
1.0 the document will open but looks like computer language.  Also I cannot 
open a PDF file from documents unless I am already have adobe 9 window opened 
and open the file from it.  Please let me know if I have done something wrong 
or do not have something set right.  I really like this program and would like 
to continue to use it for my business.  Thanking you in advance JohnR

You need version 3 to open Word 2007 files. You'll also need the PDF import extension, to edit a PDF file. You can get the extension by clicking on Tools > Extension Manager. Then, click on the link "Get more extensions here" at the bottom left. Search on PDF for the extension and follow the instructions to install it.

You can download version 3 for free from

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