* GregChi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [270505, 18:27]:
> On Fri, 27 May 2005 22:07:19 +0200, Ennio-Sr wrote:
> >* GregChi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [270505, 15:49]:
> >> On Thu, 26 May 2005 15:15:50 +0200, Ennio-Sr wrote:
> >> [...skip...] 
> >> >
> >> >Hi Greg,
> >> >maybe you could put '=balance' in cell A1 and then, after entering all
> >> >your data, define col D? as a named range 'balance' ? I think you could
> >              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >> >also automate this with a macro.
> >> >
> >> >Regards, 
> >> >        Ennio.
> >> 
> >> Where do you find 'balance' in the functions? (1.1.4 & don't
> >> show this)
> >> Is this an addon? How would I go about making this?
> >> 
> >
> >Hi Greg,
> >When I said "... define col D? as a named range ..." I was referring to
> >columun "D" (you indicate in your message) row "?" = unknown, i.e. the
> >last row in column D where the balance (or any other name you choose to
> >define that particular cell) would possibly be.
> >To define a range you select (in the upper bar)
> >Insert -> Names -> Define
> >
> >Hope to have been clear enough but feel freee to ask again in case
> >you are in trouble ;)
> >Regards,
> >     Ennio.
> OK, in the sample file "CheckRegister.sxc"  the "Balance" column (F)
> has the formula " =IF(AND(ISBLANK(D8);ISBLANK(E8));"";F7-D8+E8) ".
> All of the cells in column F (1-32000) have this formula
> This is where I got the idea from.

I don't see any CheckRegister.sxc among the files I downloaded; never
mind, I created a test file with these headings:
   A    B       C               D               E               F
5  date value_d description     my_credit       my_debit        balance
6  bla  bla     bla             ........        .......         =formula

Then in A1 I put "This is my last balance:" and in C1 "=last_bal"

Now, I'm not sure whether I understand well what you want to accomplish
by having the balance shown in cell C1: the more obvious guess is that
you want to see your cc last_bal as soon as you access the file, without
taking the trouble to go to the last recorded transaction. If this
assumption is correct, the easiest way to do it is:
- once you finish recording your last transaction (say on row 400):
- position mouse on cell F400 (which is showing last balance) and 
- choose Insert -> Names -> Define: the dialog window should show :
  now, in the upper slot of said window write "last_bal" (with no
  quotes, of course) and press OK
- At this point your last_bal is defined as an 'absolute reference' to
  cell F400 and its value appears on cell C1

The problem is that - to the best of my present knowledge as to the way
named ranges work in Calc - you must re-define 'last_bal' each time you
finish your recordings as that name "last_bal" remains 'sticked' to cell
F400 until you modify it manually. [see issue #49425 about that] 

> [skip]
> I was looking for a formula that would refer to the last cell with
> visible data in it.
> Maybe this is not possible & I would need to use  George L. Minson's
> method.....

I don't have Minson's post at reach now (I'll try gmane archives
later). I suppose he was referring to a possible macro, which I tried
unsatisfactorily (not yet expert in Calc's macros ;) ).


[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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