Brian Barker wrote:
At 14:49 09/11/2008 -0500, David Trimboli wrote:
I've got a table of stellar data with the following columns: Name, Stellar Classification, X-Coordinate, Y-Coordinate, Z-Coordinate. Is it possible to build a chart in 3 that plots each star's X- and Y-coordinates, then displays the name, classification, and z-coordinate next to each star as a label?

Here's one way:
o Assemble the three parts of your label as a single item of text. For example, you might put into F1
      =A1&" "&B1&" "&TEXT(E1;"###")
- with your chosen suitable format in the TEXT() function. Copy this down column F.
o  Select the X and Y data in columns C and D.
o  Click the Chart icon.
o  In step 1 of the Chart Wizard, select "XY (Scatter)" and "Points Only".
o  Complete the chart.
o  Move the chart so that you can see column F.
o  Double-click the chart to get the grey border.
o  Click any data point (so that the points are highlighted in green).
o  Right-click one point and select Data Ranges... .
o On the Data Series tab, click the button to the right of "Data labels" and drag the mouse over the new values in column F. Press OK.
o  Right-click one point and select Object Properties... .
o  On the Data Labels tab, tick "Show category".

You can set Data Ranges in step 3 of the wizard instead of later, but if you have the labels in column F (as I've suggested), I think they will be hidden at the appropriate moment.

Ah, I see! Create a column that concatenates the data I want, and use it as a single label for each point. Thanks!

I don't suppose there's any way to separate the referenced cells with line breaks instead of spaces, is there?

Stardate 8860.0

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