At 08:29 06/12/2008 -0800, Elchanan Noname wrote:
We are exploring the search (ctrl-f) function in Writer. We see how to search for many things, but not yet for [...] invisible characters (end of paragraph and the like), ...

It's perhaps worth mentioning that there is no such character as end-of-paragraph, invisible or otherwise. Instead, one paragraph ends and another begins at the same place. The pilcrow you see when you select Nonprinting Characters is merely there as a visual indication of the paragraph break. (I suppose the way that you can insert or delete extra paragraph breaks makes it a character of sorts, though.) But the way you have to handle paragraph breaks in OpenOffice is not to search for the break itself but (using regular expressions) to anchor the material you are searching for to the start or end of a paragraph, using the ^ and $ symbols; \n is also useful.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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