From: jonathon [ <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [users] WRITER: Search for Special Characters, Invisible
Characters, Character Styles, Markers of Type X
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 16:29, VLM TechSubs wrote:
> search for many things, but not yet for special characters (em dash,
ellipsis), invisible characters (end of paragraph and the like),
Use a regex search.
> character styles,
Currently, that isn't supported.
The only workaround I know of, using the search functions, gives me roughly
10 false positives, for every true positive, for character style searches.
What I normally do, is change the font size of the character to 96 points,
then use the print preview page, to find the instances of that specific
character style.

Thank you kindly, Jonathon. 
I must say, this is rather disappointing. I have not the slightest intention
of asking ordinary authors to use regex expressions. The product needs to
meet the authors, not the reverse. 
And one ought to be able to search for any element type the product supports
... conditional text, any marker type, any charstyle or parastyle or page
style, etc. 
Sigh ...
Thanks again, have to think a bit on this one.

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