On 14/12/2008 04:59, Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
Laurent Duperval wrote:

Is there any way to play videos on Linux (64 bit). Any format I try (flv, avi, mpg, mp4) I get an error saying the format is not supported.
I don't think this is the best place to ask this question, as it has nothing to do with OpenOffice.org. That said, the problem is most likely that you have not installed the codecs. Since many of these are proprietary (i.e. not free), they tend not to be installed on most Linux distros by default. Check with your distro to see if they have a repository for restricted or non-free software, and that would probably get you going. And you should probably follow up by going to a forum for your distro if you have any more questions about this.


OpenOffice Writer has (on Windows XP Pro at least) a menu option: Insert>Movie and Sound but I don't know if it's even available on Linux let alone if it works.

In addition, VLC (http://www.videolan.org/) is a free open source media player; binaries are available for Windows and Mac but the source code is also available so you should be able to compile/link it on Linux. I have it on good authority that it doesn't need external codecs but has all the necessary "technology" built in. No, I have no connection with Videolan, paid or otherwise.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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