In a message dated 18/12/2008 16:11:32 GMT Standard Time,  

Web  Kracked wrote:

> In style sheets for my web sites, I list many  "similar" fonts to be used 
> for the
> serif and san-serif font  options. I would say that a MS user and a Mac user
> would have at least  one of these fonts installed. Linux should have one 
> as well.
>  I list the fonts is order of preference, including the "core" fonts 
>  names from
> MS and Mac installs (somewhere on the lists).

That  is the proper way to attempt to have viewers see fonts that you 
think are  acceptable for whatever you are trying to do. (In most cases, 
even if the  user happens to have none of the fonts you are coding, the 
user may still  see acceptable results if they have at least one font 
installed that  covers every character you are printing.)

> I tried, once, to get  all the needed "items" to actually embed the fonts 
> into a
> web  page so you would get the exact font, even if it was not installed. 
>  That
> was a nightmare and I told the people who wanted it done what it  would cost
> them. They decided it was not worth it, thank  God.

No, it isn’t worth it. Users are normally accessing a web site for  
information, and don’t particularly care what font it is in, as long as  
it is reasonably readable.

> I used PDF to do embedded fonts in  documents, but that was with Acrobat,
> and the option was not a  default. I still have not seen if doPDF does 
> it, since
> I  cannot find any option for it. Still, if I have to, I would go to my 
>  file server
> machine, since Acrobat is installed on it. My version do  not work with 
> Vista.
> Well doPDF works faster than Acrobat did  anyway.

Almost all PDF creators, including the one in,  embed 
fonts by default. So there is likely to be no option you can set.  You 

can easily check that the fonts have been embedded by opening the  PDF on 
a system that does not have those fonts or by temporarily removing  the 
fonts from your current system.

Jim  Allan

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