Alberto Muller wrote:
I started writing a text with Writer and could not go any further than 4 or 5 lines of text. All of a sudden, everything froze, Ctrl - Alt - Del giving a no answer from Writer. Worse, after starting up again I was offered to restore the file : impossible. I tried the same three times and had to give up. It's urgent work so I had to revert to Google Documents. PC - W XP 2. Any idea what could be the cause of this annoying behavior ? Thank you in advance for assistance.

What version of OOo are you using?
Have you had any pre-release versions (developers builds, release candidates) on the machine before you installed this version?

When I had this happen to me, I had been using developers builds, which I think had corrupted something. I tried reinstalling the latest OOo, but that didn't work.

I finally fixed the problem by deleting this folder from the C drive:
Documents and Settings > [user name] > Application Data >

The next time I started OOo, it recreated that folder and all was well. The only problem was that I had to re-do all my options within OOo.

Someone else may be able to tell you a less drastic way to fix the freezing/crashing problem, but that one has always worked for me.


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