Thomas Lange - Sun Germany - ham02 - Hamburg wrote:

David B Teague wrote:

Writer Spell Check now seems to include grammar checking, but I do not see any evidence of it in the interface when I click the spelling/grammar checking icon or press F7, nor do I find anything about grammar checking in Help.
Can someone tell me how (or whether) this feature works?

You need to have a grammar checking (proofreading) extension installed
for this too see any effect.
E.g. you can use LanguageTool 0.9.6


I downloaded OO.o 3.0.1 without JRE, installed it without incident.

To get grammar checking running, I followed the suggestions by Thomas and others (Thanks). I downloaded LanguageTool 0.9.6, tried each of the several ways to install it. Each failed with the message "Could not create Java Implementation Loader". I realized that I had not attached my existing JRE to OO.o, so I went to Tools | Options | OO.o | extensions and attached JRE, and restarted OO.o but no joy.

Now what do I do?

David Teague

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