2009/1/31 Web Kracked <webmas...@krackedpress.com>

> Clayton wrote:
>> please make in future incremental updates. It is no fun updating
>>>>>>> from 3 to
>>>>>>> 3.0.1 with a new istallation. It's such a mess.
>>>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>>> Which OS?
>>>>>> What's the mess? Just replace one with the other automagically!
>>>>> Windows XP. As I heared from all of my friends I have to download the
>>>>> new version 135 MB to update. No incremental update as it seems. And
>>>>> why must OpenOffice extract all the files from the downloaded file?
>>>>> No other  installer that I know does it. It is just nonsense.
>>>>>  First let me say that the majority of people here are users rather
>>>> than openoffice developers.
>>>> Secondly when you consider that openoffice can work on Windows (XP and
>>>> Vista) Apple Mac and Linux operating systems, then some variations
>>>> between install packages seems to be part of the price you pay for
>>>> multi-platform software. The extraction of files from the download
>>>> file is simply to keep the download file as small as possible. Some
>>>> users are on a dial-up connection and so large downloads are
>>>> unacceptable.
>>>> I hope that clears up the problem somewhat
>>>> Rob
>>> If they would release only the files that had changed that would be nice
>>> for the dial-up connection people. A minor update with 135 MB
>>> installation file is ...
>> StarOffice provides incremental updates.
>> C.
> I wish StarOffice was free, or am I wrong?
> It would be nice to see small files to update instead of the full install
> version.  BUT, then there will be a need of having a full install program
> version #.0.3, and #.0.0 on line and increments for
> going from
> #.0.0 to #.0.1, #.0.2, #.0.3
> #.0.1 to #.0.2, #.0.3
> #.0.2 to #.0.3
> Then all of these to the #.1.0, when it comes out.
> That is a lot of figuring out what files are needed in
> what updates, etc, etc, etc.
> I agree that there should be smaller downloadable files for the incremental
> updates, but who do you think should volunteer to manage those files for the
> updating to/from the different levels?
> Yes, I have broadband, so the large files do not bother me, much.  But I
> also have to make sure all my people that I gave the original files have
> easy access to the various updates, no matter what their size.  Too many of
> these people have dialup themselves.  I do this by offering CDs with the new
> files, unpacked and ready to run the install program.  That is my commitment
> to them.  One Day, I may be back down to a dialup connection, but that is a
> future that I hope is further off than a year or five. Till then, I will be
> doing my best to make sure all my dialup OOo people have access to CDs with
> those updates.  This Feb 14th, I am going to a meeting (not Valentine's Day
> related) where I will have a number of CDs to give out for that purpose,
> plus may be get a few more people to try it.  Free Software anyone?  Have
> CDs full of Free Software.  I use them, Fred does also, Its Free. (Fred
> being another respected member)
> So, until someone would volunteer and can easily manage small file
> incremental updates,  then it will still be the larger files.
> Tim L.
> retired and tired of MS

Tim, just wanted to say how encouraged I was to see the work you're doing
providing people (fellow retirees ?) with dial-up connexions with CDs for
quick installation. Perhaps it is not entirely the case, as a glimpse at the
world situation would lead us to believe, that the milk of human kindness
has completely dried up !...


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