My apologies , but I do not recognize my issue in the many, many web pages laid 
out here on your web site!  Even finding your "home" site was very difficult.  

Briefly, I have Writer on my computer, given to me by daughters at Christmas 
2007.  Since then, I have dutifully "invited" updates/downloads from time to 
time as the "pop-ups" asking to do so appeared.  On my desk top are two icons 
for upgrade-downloads that I presumed to be completed. Today I tried to open my 
Writer program but neither of these links took me to the customary letter 
window.  Opening the "Properties" link, I could not find any information on the 
product, only repeated entries of "  Created:  Today, February 07. 2009. 4 
hours ago" the same  line exactly for Modified: and Accessed:   Almost 
identical information appeared on the same General tab for the other icon on my 
desktop.  The variation was today. February07.2009, 13 hours ago.

Nowhere is there any lead in what is wrong, why the original icon transmuted 
into the newer one, and why there are two apparent downloaded programs sitting 
on my desk top rather than in the Program file folder.

And worse, nowhere on your multiple web-page is there a lead as to where to go 
for 2007 program information.

I am desperate for a sincere "How To Fix"  link.  Where do I find product info 
on my computer about the version I am running, how to undo, if something is not 
right -  anything that will help me get rid of this horrendous problem that 
happened right "under my nose" today? 

If anyone reads this that has specific answers - a step-by-step process to 
follow, I will be forever grateful, believe me!


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