On Sun, 08 Feb 2009 13:13:24 +0000
Came this utterance fomulated by Brian Barker to my mailbox:

> At 14:04 08/02/2009 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >I often see some list members CC or forward replies to unsubscribed 
> >OPs. Can the list be changed so that if someone unsubscribed posts 
> >to the list, their address is added to the Reply-To header?
> The problem is actually the reverse of this: the list adds a 
> Reply-To: header to itself, but it has no business doing so.  This is 
> forsworn by RFC 2822, which says 'When the "Reply-To:" field is 
> present, it indicates the mailbox(es) to which the *author* of the 
> message suggests that replies be sent" (my emphasis).

The list itself can be seen as the author of any email sent out to
anyone on this list. I'd rather my MUA handled the reply's as i set it
up to. I filter "moderated" emails to a seperate folder, then reply to
all on that folder. Alas my MUA will not automatically reply to all on
my behalf.

> It is the author's choice to suggest where his or her replies are 
> addressed: that should be the only function of the Reply-To: header 
> (and few authors would need to include one).  It is the privilege of 
> anyone choosing to reply to decide where to send his or her 
> reply.  If the list did not add its own Reply-To: header, simply 
> using "reply to all" (or whatever) in a mail client would include the 
> author of the original message (and solve the problem).  As it is, 
> this header suppresses the effects of both the From: address and any 
> Reply-To: address included by the author: that's the real problem.

My "Reply all" works as you describe here - no issues. It sounds MUA


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

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