Gordon wrote:
David B Teague wrote:
Gordon wrote:
David B Teague wrote:
Gordon wrote:
David B Teague wrote:

OO.o 3.0.0 was slow on startup, and 3.0.1 is also slow to start, slower than 2.4, even with the "QuickStarter" --

Have you tweaked the memory settings in Tools-Options?
3.01 starts as fast if not faster here than Office 2007 on Vista...
The behavior is very different, right now, from the immediate past. If I right click quick starter and select new text document, starting is nearly instant. If I double click a document, it starts very quickly.

I emphasize that this has NOT been my experience, and I cannot point to changes that might affect the loading time. I'll see how things go.

The Tools | Options | OpenOffice.org > Memory settings are exactly as they were when I installed OO.o 3.0.1:

Number of steps 100
Graphics Cache 9 MB
Memory per object 2.4 MB
Remove from Memory after 10 min
Number of objects cached 20
Box checked for load at startup.

Do you suggest any changes? I think I won't change anything unless it bogs down again.

I've ALWAYS changed those settings:
My current settings for this on 2GB RAM on Vista Home Premium is
Use for OpenOffice.org - 256MB
Memory per Object - 128MB

Settings on my Ubuntu Netbook (with 512MB RAM) are:
Use for OpenOffice.org - 128MB
Memory per Object - 64MB

A new blank Writer document starts in about 3 seconds on both...
XP SP3 Sempron 2800+, 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 333 MHz backplane.

Remember the setting,

Remove from Memory after 10 min
You don't mention this setting.

If I have had OO.o running recently, OO.o starts a blank page in about 1 second. After a while it takes about 15 seconds to start a blank page. For a while after that, it takes only a second to start a blank document. I checked both just before composing this message.

Tell me about your system, please. I suspect you have system is significantly faster than mine. My computer store owner tells me there are systems back plane 10+ times as fast as mine available for about what I paid for mine 3+ years ago. Moore's law etc.

Laptop Toshiba Satellite Dual T2330 Pentium with 2GB Ram and Vista Home Premium.
Toshiba Notebook, 1.6GHz processor, 512 MB Ram and Ubuntu 8.04 Remix

After thinking about this, I do not believe that allocating more memory to be used for OOo or per object can affect the speed of startup for a blank page

Here's one link - there are quite a few if you Google.


(or the time to start a document, but I bet it does for a
large document). You only have to load the binaries for the blank page, and you have to both load the binaries, load the existing document and then do a small amount of processing to open it. (An odt document is a zip file.)

NEVERTHELESS. I very much appreciate your remarks. I will try your settings, for I have been wrong more times than my opinionated self really wants to admit.
I tried the memory settings mentioned in the link. These settings are consonant with settings mentioned in other posts.

After a reboot, or after not having OO.o loaded for a while (not measured, but longer than a half hour), the OO.o start time for a 50K odt file is 17 seconds. Time to start a new OO.o object is 15 seconds. The time to start an new odt document /after OO.o has been loaded then stopped, /is about 1 second. /After OO.o has been loaded then stopped,/ time to start OO.o and load a 50 K odt file is about 7 seconds.

Given all the great features of OO.o, and that it is /free, /it is fairly easy to live with these startup times, though I would like to have the startup times to be shorter.

David Teague

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