Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> yes it's possible. I'm use only the German-Language-Version from OOO3.01. in
>> the uper left corner you will find the ComboBox with the format-options.
>> There you could define the formats you need like text and headlines. This
>> formats are available all time.
> Thanks, Franz. I knew that it had something to do with styles, but I
> was getting lost.
> To hijack my own thread, I need a custom dictionary for this
> particular file as well. We are using some terms that I do _not_ want
> to add to my standard.dic dictionary, but that I would prefer are not
> spell checked for this one document. Googling is not getting me very
> far today! Have you any ideas?
> Thanks!

HI Dotan

You can make a "custom" dictionary in Tools-Options-Writing Aids-New -
Give it a meaningful name - you can choose a language attribute if you
want it confined to a single document language. Add your new words to
that, then for other documents just disable it by unchecking that



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