Sorry for not being clear.
When A1 is empty I want to enter something in B1 that makes B1 also empty.
I am looking at a lot of cells so it is like I have a lot of A1 cells and a
lot of B1 cells.  I want to know in B1 cells when any A1 cells are empty.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Richard Detwiler <> wrote:

> Walter Hildebrandt wrote:
>> Using 3.1 with WindowsXP
>> If cell A1 is empty and =IF(A1;"") is in B1, B1 will have the word FALSE.
>> What can be entered in B1 to get an empty B1 cell?
> You don't say what you want in B1 if A1 is not empty.
> If you want B1 to be equal to A1 when A1 is not empty, then try:
> =IF(A1="";"";A1)
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