ECJB wrote:
I have some documents I had opened using 1.9.104 and went to export to PDF. I did it in such a hurry I didn't realize until I opened the PDFs (and went back and opened the .doc files in OOo again) that OOo mis-displayed them. The formatting was critical to "get it right" so that the pages displayed on one or two pages, as required for flyers. They use fancy formatting (not mine) to achieve their layout.

The .doc files are at <> and the PDFs I generated using MS Word (and PDFCreator from SourceForge []) are at <>

This web server runs on "My Computer" and is subject to reboots and the like, but is usually up about 99% of the time.

Thanks in advance for any help y'all can give me.

- Eric.

If you want them as pdf files, why not create the pdf files in OOo. Click on File > Export as pdf. All in one simple package.

Exporting and then importing into another program can and will most likely cause formatting changes. You probably noticed the warning when you saved the file stating this.

Robin Laing

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