2009/4/26 Mike Burdette <meburd...@gmail.com>

> I have been searching all day and have tried numerous times and it
> won't install.
> I have tried to use adept and tried through terminal and also can not
> get the Java to install either. I am a newbie to Kubuntu and am
> learning.
> I have everything downloaded and extracted. But I need the steps to
> install it. I have researched the forums and found a similar one but
> again was unsuccessful in doing so.
> Thank you
> Mike Burdette

Mike, you don't mention which version of Kubuntu you use, but I should be
surprised if the standard method for installation on Ubuntu doesn't work
equally well with the KDE GUI. In a terminal, cd to the DEBS directory under
OOo and then enter and run «sudo dpkg -i *.deb» (without the quotation
marks). This should install the package on your machine ; please report back
and let us know how it works for you !...


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