I think it's 1.9.104 - thought I mentioned that.

Dan Lewis wrote:
On Monday 06 June 2005 02:53 am, ECJB wrote:
When submitting a crash report, the "crashrep.exe" program itself

- Eric.

Windoze XP SP2, 512 MB DDR RAM, 2GB permanent swap file, 80/20/120 GB
hard drives (last one is external USB).
Running a lot of stuff on my machine (servers, etc)

     What version of OOo are you using? One of the earlier OOo 2.0 Betas 
had this problem. (I think somewhere around 1.9.69.)


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“Normal does not, and can not, exist.  The definition of normal is: 'what most people are.'  There is no group of people who are exactly alike.  Therefore, there is no such thing as normal.  This makes being abnormal, the norm.”  — ECJB.

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