Normally when working with hidden text you also create a user variable
that contains a boolean value as to whether the hidden values should
be shown or not.

For instance, create a variable like "hidden_or_not" and set to either
1 or 0. (1 = hide values, 0 = show values).

When you create the fields in the document you make the condition on
whether it is shown or not based on the value of the "hidden_or_not"
hide "field_in_document" if "hidden_or_not" = 1

If you search help you'll get some further notes on working with hidden values. 

Alternatively (and possible more clumsly) is to put the answers as
'notes'. These can easily be printed or not at the time of printing.


On 6/7/05, John Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I created a document to be used in a classroom setting.  I included blanks
> for students to fill in as we went through the outline.  So that I wouldn't
> have to create 2 forms of the document, I formatted the answers as hidden
> text (Format...Character...Font Effects - checked the "Hidden" box).  I then
> printed the document and the hidden text didn't print, as I anticipated.
> However, unlike Microsoft Word, I was unable to find any options in Print
> that would allow me to print the document again, this time showing the
> hidden text.  Any clues of a way to instruct OOo to print hidden text?
> I'm running Linspire 5.0 and OOo 2 Beta (1.9.79)
> Thanks, John Miller

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