Graham P Davis wrote:

> Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 11:59 28/06/2009 +0100, Graham P Davis wrote:
>>>I need to save a graph as a graphical object, say as jpeg or png. I 
>>>recall doing this years ago but can't remember how or find anything 
>>>in "help" as to how to tackle it. I think I did it in OOo, or Star 
>>>Office, but it might have been in Excel. Is it possible in OOo and, if 
> how?
>> You mean a graph as in Calc?  Try this as a workaround:
>> o  Select the graph (so that you see the eight green handles).
>> o  Copy the graph.
>> o  Create a new text (Writer) document.
>> o  Paste the graph into the text document - but using Edit | Paste 
>> Special... (or Ctrl+Shift+V) instead of ordinary Paste.
>> o  In the Paste Special dialogue, select "GDI metafile".
>> o  Right-click the graph and go to Save Graphics... .
>> o  Select your required format from the drop-down list against "Save as 
> type".
>> You can also do this via a drawing (Draw) document, but the context 
>> menu item there is Save as Picture... instead.
>> I trust this helps.
> Thanks Brian but I think I've got problems with this version of OOo 
> ( on OpenSUSE 11.2 M2) and will have to log on to my 11.1 
> partition and try again. I was unable to use "paste special" as it didn't 
> exist and "paste" changed the range of the x-axis (from 1880-2020 to 
> 0-2000), though at least it pasted something this time as when I tried it 
> before all I got was a blank rectangle.

OK. Managed it in 3.0.1 but I'll go back and try again on the experimental 
system. I assumed that "paste special" would appear on the right-click drop-
down menu but I missed that it only appears in the "edit" menu. A design 
feature that aims to confuse and succeeds splendidly!

The blank menu I got originally I think was due to "paste" giving me a GDI 
metafile automatically.

Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks., UK.  E-mail: newsman not newsboy
"I wear the cheese. It does not wear me."

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