John Boyle wrote:
Harold Fuchs wrote:
2009/9/9 Charles Partridge <>


Does there exists a method to identify and delete duplicate rows in Calc?

Thanks in advance.

Chip Partridge

Dr. Charles R. Partridge
Independent Evaluator & Human Ecologist
CHIP Evaluation Consulting

First, please in future do not "hijack threads" by replying to an existing
topic and simply changing the Subject line. It is considered to be extremely
impolite, exactly similar to completely changing the subject during a normal
conversation. Instead, start a new discussion by using the Create Mail
button, or whatever it is called, in your mail program. I have left intact,
below this reply, the discussion thread you hijacked so that you can see
what I'm talking about..

To Harold Fuchs: Which thread did he hijack? I thought he clearly titled
it exactly what he needed help on? :-\

The thread he hijacked was "[users] formula in Calc". He may have titled his message to correctly indicate his question, however the message thread was "formula in Calc." Hitting reply and responding to an existing message, then changing the subject does not change the thread. His message, and all responses, will now appear in the middle of the OP's "formula in Calc" thread, muddying the water and confusing the issue. If you do not know or understand the purpose of threading in a mailing list, see

Gene Y.

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