Excuse the top posting, but  I really think that this "discussion" (for
want of a batter word) should have been stopped a couple of days ago.

We've heard the opinions and rants, and it's just down to name calling
which the vast majority of subscribers to this list just don't want to
listen to any more.


On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 14:32 +0200, M Henri Day wrote:

> 2009/9/11 Lars Nooden <larsnoo...@openoffice.org>
> > Tommy27 wrote:
> > > your quacks will not stop the petition, Larry.  :-p
> >
> > Larry or some of his kind might be paid to be the turd in the Internet
> > swimming pool, but it's no longer acceptable to stay quiet and simply
> > added more chlorine on the condition that Larry and co float down at
> > their end of the water.
> >
> > Now that they're seen for what they are, it's time to change the water
> > after clearing the pool of 'debris'.
> >
> >        "I once preached peaceful coexistence with Windows.
> >        You may laugh at my expense -- I deserve it."
> >                http://www.birdhouse.org/beos/byte/30-bootloader/
> >
> > Copying "Windows" or offshoots like "Office" goes beyond co-existence
> > and into collaboration, in the negative sense of the word.
> >
> > Tommy27 wrote:
> > > I'm not the starter of the petition so i cannot edit it and  add that
> > > warning.
> >
> > Dingo-Dog or whoever started that petition made a mistake either on
> > purpose or by accident.
> >
> > Trolls like Larry and James won't stop a petition, but keeping it at a
> > scam site will.
> >
> > Tommy27, make a new petition at a legitimate survey site.  Even Larry's
> > skill level can handle that.
> >
> > -Lars
> Lars, insinuating that a certain poster to this list «or some of his kind»
> are being paid (by whom ? Microsoft ?) to be «the turd in the Internet
> swimming pool», without the slightest evidence, or calling them for
> «[t]rolls» contributes nothing of value to the discussion. Vet hut !...
> Henri

God bless you,

Keith Bates


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