In a message dated 2009.09.25 12:32 -0500, Barbara Duprey wrote:

... A paragraph with an embedded list. The first few sentences of the paragraph describe the list, and then the elements are listed. One would like to treat this, spatially and conceptually, as a single paragraph. For such purposes Writer provides the
intra-paragraph line break (Shift+Enter), which breaks the line
without invoking the inter-paragraph spacing.  But there is (at
least) one problem: It can't be used with "Justified" paragraph

... Typically, each item in a list is a separate paragraph, as is
the introductory "first few sentences" describing the list, as well
as any post-list commentary about what the list illustrated.

Thanks for generalizing to post-list commentary [which I had excised from an already overlong question] - you have the point conceptually, and I think your answer is Writer's answer. But then: (a) Doesn't that mean we have at least three paragraph styles for the "'paragraph' with embedded list" - *none* of which is linked to the document's "normal" paragraph spacing? (b) If this is not the case for which Writer has the intra-paragraph line break, what is?

... there really seems to be little advantage from the perspective of
those receiving your paper. About all you seem to lose by adhering to
the usual structure (in practical rather than theoretic terms) is the
ability to triple-click to select the whole extended paragraph for
other functions, or to apply a specific paragraph style without
selecting the material first.

With sufficient manual formatting, one can always make such paragraphs look like the document's norm; the reader need not be concerned with how we got there. But isn't the whole point of OO styles to encapsulate formatting issues in styles that inherent document-wide attributes like paragraph spacing? [I'm trying to do this "right", from OO's perspective. In another thread, I was told that layout problems in my document could /only/ have come from manual formatting, which should /never/ happen if OO is properly used.]


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