James Elliott wrote:
> As stated in my previous post, I am having challenges using inserting
> photos into OOo 3 Draw running on my Win XP computer, so I decided to
> copy all the OOo Draw files I was using, and the jpeg photos, onto my
> USB memory stick and do the work on my Linux computer which also runs
> OOo3 - the operating system is Ubuntu Linux.
> When I run OOo on the Linux machine and pull up a Draw page in which I
> have already inserted two pictures, on the linux version of OOo, in the
> place of the pictures I have a long address including the path ... i.e.
> a string of text instead of my picture.  The captions I put there on the
> Windows machine are still there and read as they should do, but the pics
> are gone and replaced with text addresses.
> Why is this so?  I have had to go back to my Windows machine, which does
> not please me.
> Kind regards,  James

Windos inserts hard links to the pics. No idea how to replace the link
without "removing" the pic, and re-inserting

Rodney D. Myers <rod_dmy...@fastmail.fm>
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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        Ben Franklin - 1759

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